Benefits of Scorecards when hiring.

You wish that every hire would work out well. That niggling feeling you have sometimes of making an offer, is it the right person to offer? Can they do what I need them to? Will I need to develop them? Do I have time?

Just don’t based your hires off of your gut feeling. This doesn’t work. You’ve got to really put in the time and effort into your hires, especially your senior hires that are going to be leading people to success.

Scorecards are one of the best ways to do this. The measureables that go into the Scorecard, come down from the strategy of the business.

You’ve got to really think about what this leader needs to achieve.

Deliver Project X by 2023 Q2.

Reduce tooling costs by 22% by Q4.

Reduce build time by 5 minutes by end of Q1.

Implement processes for design release by end of end of Oct 2022.

There’s lots to get in there, dependant on the role and what you want them to achieve. This also allows you to show where you can develop people and kind what support they require.

You then use this scorecard to interview potential people…

Reducing tooling cost?

Question you can ask around this are

1) Whats your responsibility with tooling costs?

2) How have you reduced tooling costs?

3) What did that look like?

4) What was the costs before you looked at this? What was it after?

5) How did you reduce the costs?

6) What impact did that have on the business?

But you don’t just ask these questions like you’re in an interrogation. These should come out in conversation as you’re talking through it. Finding out the details are important - but how you ask the questions and in what capacity makes a huge difference to how candidates respond.

Once you’ve asked all the necessary questions, you can then write up the strengths and developmental areas that the candidate has. You have a great idea on where they’d require support if you do decide to offer, but also understand where they can make the biggest amount of impact in a short space of time.

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