World Book Day

It’s world book day, so we thought we’d share some book recommendations from the TechWaves team, first up…

101 Essays that will change the way you think. 

This one gives you some honest truths, it makes you think about how you live and what you do. It actually made me think about whether I REALLY wanted to be a business owner – was it my purpose or my passion?

It spoke to me and got my mind ticking. It’s often easy to think everyone else is an issue when you’re triggered, and this book makes you look at yourself before looking at others - it certainly gives you something to think about every day. 

That said, it’s not a book I’d recommend reading in one sitting; more like one you can read a little bit of and incorporate into your life when you are ready for it. It’s amazing what ideas crop you for not just work – but just life in general. Like how to appreciate the little things and be kinder to yourself.

Everyone should have this book on their shelf, it’s one you can go back to over and over again. 


The Robot Proof Recruiter – A survival guide.

Everyone says technology is going to take over the recruitment industry. 

Nope! Not while I’m around.

Yes, we have to be smart with how we use technology in some places, but we have to keep calling and talking to people. Sending emails and texts and hoping people will come back is not the way. 

You’ve got to bring the message to businesses when they are ready to hire. Connecting with people and then sending them a message “are you looking for a change” is NOT it. Working with the clients is what you have to do, we have a strategy we work together sure; but we have to be human first.

This book really gives you the baseline and provides us with facts of what is possible and impossible – we are far from a robot recruiter. Yes we use technology and automation, but it’s never for outreach to get people’s attention. This book just helped me understand the journey a little better and where automation can actually help me in my business as we grow. A must-read for anyone who is hiring or is in recruitment. 


Marvel Comics

My kid is obsessed with anything Marvel, she has loads of books she can read on her own and for us to read as a family. 

Like Hercules, Zeus, Odin, Thor and all the other heroes in the stories of old, today’s super heroes are our modern day mythology, that teach kids great lessons like ‘with great power comes great responsibility’.

She loves reading them over and over again. Some parents might worry that they’re a little wild for a bedtime read, but she finds comfort in these books. Far gone are the days she wanted to read the Gruffalo every night!

She just can’t get enough.

She’s never watched Star Wars but is obsessed with Baby Yoda recently too – so looks like they are next on our list. Still don’t get the fascination though.



A few thoughts on International Women’s Day 2023 


Benefits of Scorecards when hiring.