Attracting talent to your company.

Attracting talent to your company and retaining the talent you have.

We all want to attract talent. But let’s stop with the world TALENT. Because when you use the world talent, you basically, in most cases, want the moon on a stick.

“We want the best people” - but you aren't paying enough.

“We want people who will stay” - but you aren't paying enough.

There’s a simple solution to get the right people in your business, paying what you can afford to, doing one simple thing.

Hire for the growth of your business AND for employees to develop along the way.

Listen to me.

Noone wants to stay stagnant in their career. Some people are happy to plod, I know. But when you get people who are hungry, they will pay you back in hard work and getting your company where you want it to be.

  • Hire for 60% of the job you need them to do.

  • Look at the areas you can develop them in.

  • Look at who you have in the team that can help them get to where they need to be in 6 to 12 months.

  • Have an onboarding plan. Who will train them in each area (don’t make it the same person, for gods sake).

  • Calender invites for EVERYONE. But even better, get the team involved.

“We are thinking of hiring someone who can develop in XYZ areas, who would be happy to support training and development of this person”

  • Getting your team onboard, helps. They feel like they made the decision to train this individual. Not forced to. They won’t get annoyed when you throw a newby their way and ask them to start training them.

  • Sit down with those people and put a plan together. Give them some responsibility. This helps your employee develop their skills too. Who doesn't want that?

It’s a win win.

But, this means you have to talk to your employees and also make sure they are happy.

If you have a disgruntled team member, or an unhappy team, the newby will know this, and jump ship...FAST.

Before you hire, know what your culture is like, own it and fix issues before you hire.

Otherwise, you're throwing money down the drain, whether you use a recruiter or not.

Time is money.

If you want to learn more about how to do this. I've implemented processes for FTSE 200's and SME's that has helped them retain talent and employ those people that wouldn't otherwise apply directly.



Candidate shortage in Manufacturing?